Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Govt would continue showing zero tolerance against terrorism, corruption: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

Govt would continue showing zero tolerance against terrorism, corruption: PM

NEW YORK, Sept 21 (BSS) - Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has reiterated her government's firm commitment to rooting out terrorism and corruption from the country and said it will continue showing zero tolerance against these menaces.

"Our fight against terrorism and corruption would continue
until these social vices are rooted out completely," she made the
remarks while taking part in a question-answer session at the US
Chamber and the Asia Society-sponsored luncheon in the Asia
Society Auditorium here on Tuesday.

Asia Society President Vishakha Desai, Vice President of
Asia U.S. Chamber of Commerce Tami Overby, and former World Bank
President James Wolfensohn also addressed the luncheon.

Referring to her government's various steps to curbing
terrorism, the Prime Minister said there is no room for
terrorists or militants in the country. "We would never allow our
land to be used for terrorist or militant activities," she

She said Bangladesh was known to a safe heaven for militants
and terrorists during the previous BNP-Jamaat alliance
government. "But now the country is free from this stigma as the
government is firmly fighting the menace," she said.

The Prime Minister deplored that 40 years have already
passed since the country achieved independence but the economic
freedom of its people is yet to be achieved.

"The economic emancipation of the people could not be
achieved in the last 40 years due to undemocratic rules of some
governments," she said.

Referring to the investment-friendly atmosphere in the
country, Sheikh Hasina urged the international institutions and
companies to invest in the gas and mineral resources sector of

"We will welcome any foreign company who will express
interest to invest for gas exploration in Bangladesh," she said.

Sheikh Hasina said Bangladesh has huge gas resources, but it
is unclear how much gas resources the country has right now.

"There is a maritime boundary dispute with Myanmar. When the
problem is solved, it would be possible to know the exact
quantity of gas," she said.

In this connection, she mentioned that the government has
been providing various facilities to the foreign entrepreneurs to
invest in Bangladesh.

The Prime Minister listed various initiatives her government
has undertaken in different sectors including agriculture,
health, education and women empowerment and said despite the
global economic meltdown, the country achieved 6.7 percent growth
in the last fiscal which has been acclaimed in the world.

Terming poverty as the main enemy for the development of the
region, Sheikh Hasina said her government has already undertaken
various programmes for poverty alleviation in the country.

"We have been able to cut poverty to a great extent in the
last 32 months," she said.

On Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh's recent visit to
Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina termed his visit as a great success.

She said a number of agreements, MoUs and protocols were
signed during Manmohan's visit and hoped that other problems
would be solved through discussions.

About Bangladesh's connectivity with Nepal and Bhutan, the
Prime Minister said it would create more favorable atmosphere for
development in the South Asian region.

She also called for strengthening regional connectivity for
mutual benefits of all the nations in the region.

She reiterated her government's plan to establish Bangladesh
as the business hub of South Asia as the country's geographical
position in this region is highly significant. "The positive
thing for South Asia is that democracy now prevails in every

Sheikh Hasina opined that all the South Asian nations should
work together to eliminate poverty from the region by utilizing
the opportunity of democracy.

She also mentioned her government's plan to set up a deep
seaport at Sonadia in Cox's Bazar and hoped that it would become
a bridge between East and South in the future.

Asked about Bangladesh-Pakistan relations, the Prime
Minister reiterated the country's foreign policy of 'Friendship
to All, Malice to None'. "At present, good relations exist
between Bangladesh and Pakistan."

Replying to a question for which thing she is mostly
worried, she replied that she always thinks how to ensure
betterment of the people.

"I am not worried for my own life or anything else. My only
worry is the people of my motherland. I want to free the people
from poverty. I want to provide them with quality education and
health services," she said.

Highlighting the government's steps for infrastructure
development and increasing power generation, the Prime Minister
said the present government has been able to add 2,200 MW
electricity to the national grid by setting up 24 power plants in
the last 32 moths, while the construction of 38 power plants is

Foreign Minister Dr Dipu Moni, Prime Minister's son noted
computer scientist Sajeeb Wazed Joy, FBCCI President AK Azad and
Press Secretary Abul Kalam Azad, among others, attended the


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