Tuesday, September 20, 2011

'Fracking' protesters say drilling jobs not worth environmental risks

Philadelphia (CNN) -- Charlotte Bevins' long blond hair blows in the wind as she stands amid protesters, her eyes red and puffy from crying.
Protesters in Philadelphia rally against the process of hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking," to access natural gas.
The Frack Alone

Just four months ago, Bevins' brother, Charles, lost his life in a drilling accident in central New York. He was 23, a father of two small children.
Gazing at the ground, Bevins tightens her grip on the handles of the baby stroller that cradles her young niece while hundreds of protesters lining the nearby streets wave signs and yell around her.
No fracking way. No fracking way. No fracking way, the crowd chants.
Bevins recently made the trek from West Virginia to Philadelphia, with her mother and her late brother's son and daughter, to join up with other protesters calling for a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking."


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