Thursday, August 11, 2011

Obama blames political impasse for continuing economic woes

(CNN) -- Declaring himself frustrated with political fighting in Congress, President Barack Obama on Thursday blamed some of the nation's continuing economic troubles on government inaction and urged Americans to tell their elected representatives in Washington to pass bills that will create jobs.

In an energetic speech to workers at a Holland, Michigan, hybrid car battery plant helped by government stimulus funds, Obama said the U.S. economy and American workers are capable of being the best in the world, but were being held back by political stalemate in Congress.

"There is nothing wrong with our country. There is something wrong with our politics," Obama declared to applause.

Last week's first-ever downgrade of the U.S. credit rating by Standard & Poor's "could have been entirely avoided if there had been a willingness to compromise in Congress," the president said, adding: "It didn't happen because we didn't have the capacity to pay our bills. It happened because Washington doesn't have the capacity to come together and get things done."

"You hear it my voice. I'm frustrated," Obama said, referring to what he called the "worst kind of partisanship" and the "worst kind of gridlock" in Congress.

While Obama called on Democrats and Republicans to put the welfare of the country ahead of partisan gains, his comments appeared aimed at GOP opponents accused by Democrats of pursuing a narrow political agenda in the House and stalling progress in the Senate.

Citing "things we can do right now to accelerate job growth," Obama complained that "the only thing keeping us back is our politics."

He called for Congress to immediately approve measures that he said were "ready to go," such as a payroll tax cut extension, a road construction bill and free trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama.

"The only thing preventing these bills from being passed is the refusal of some in Congress to put country ahead of party," Obama said.

He called on people to tell their senators and Congress members to "stop sending out press releases, start passing bills," adding: "They've got to hear from you."

Obama also promised more proposals in coming weeks intended to stimulate job growth, but he acknowledged that Congress also has to address mounting federal budget deficits.

The debt ceiling agreement passed by Congress last week and signed by Obama cuts government spending by more than $900 billion and creates a special congressional committee to work out another $1.5 trillion in deficit reduction steps.

Despite the agreement, the subsequent S&P downgrade and global economic instability has caused wild fluctuations on Wall Street this week.

Repeating his call for a comprehensive approach to deficit reduction, Obama said the country needs to continue investing in education, clean energy and other vital areas while also ensuring that entitlement benefits for senior citizens are protected. That means a balanced approach to deficit reduction in which wealthy corporations and individuals are paying their fair share toward a solution, he said to applause.

"Everybody's got to chip in," he said. "That's fair. You learn it in kindergarten."

It was Obama's second visit to Holland, an emerging hub for hybrid car battery technology. Until recently, it was best known for sugar-white Lake Michigan beaches and its annual tulip festival.

Obama toured a Johnson Controls-Saft plant that was built with a $299 million grant from his administration's 2009 economic stimulus program and now expects to employ 500 people when fully operational.

Before the speech, Obama got some good news when the Labor Department reported the number of first-time filers for unemployment benefits fell last week, dipping below 400,000 for the first time in four months. The figure of 395,000 beat economists' forecasts of 409,000, according to consensus estimates from

"It's a good sign," said Brett Ryan, U.S. economist with Deutsche Bank. "The trend in claims is going to be one of the most important things we watch over the next few weeks or so, to gauge whether we're entering another recession."

However, the unemployment rate remains above 9%, and Obama's visit to Holland was intended to highlight his job-creation policies.

Both Johnson and Korea's LG Chem have built battery plants in Holland. LG Chem received $150 million from the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, and Obama appeared at the groundbreaking of its 200-worker plant in 2010.

LG employee Shane Vander Jagt told CNN that the plant's future was "very bright."

"This technology is not a fad," said the 34-year-old Vander Jagt, who said he has been laid off "more than once" in the past few years. "It's only going to grow."

Holland, a city of 34,000 located 30 miles southeast of Grand Rapids, had an unemployment rate of 13.2% in July 2009. It's currently 9%.

Even without stimulus funds as an enticement, the area has been drawing other players in the industry. Switzerland-based fortu PowerCell is building an advanced battery plant in Muskegon, 30 miles north of Holland -- a decision company spokeswoman Deb Muchmore called "good common sense."

Michigan "is the automotive capital of the world," Muchmore said. "Its work force is manufacturing-savvy (and has) tremendous expertise with all things mobility."

Muskegon's unemployment rate peaked at 15.7% in July 2009, and it was hit again by the 2010 closure of a paper mill that added hundreds more to the unemployment rolls. By June 2011, that figure had fallen to 10.8%.

Libyan rebels report progress advancing toward Tripoli

Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- Rebels pushed Thursday northward on three fronts toward the coastal cities of al-Zawiya, Aziziya and Sorman, with their ultimate goal being Tripoli, rebel field commander Adel Al-Zintani told CNN.
Six rebels died and dozens more were wounded in fighting Wednesday and Thursday, he said.

He predicted that the fighters would reach the coastal road that leads to the capital city within days.

Zawiya is strategically important because the coastal road through the city is the main supply line from the Tunisian border to areas held by Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi.
Regime officials were not available Thursday evening for comment.

Fighting was continuing around Misrata, where rebel spokesman Mohamed Ibrahim said the main hospital reported four rebels killed and 54 wounded.

Meanwhile, in New York, a spokesperson for Ban Ki-moon said the U.N. secretary-general "is deeply concerned by reports of the unacceptably large number of civilian casualties as a result of the conflict in Libya."

Ban is urging "all Libyan parties" to engage with his special envoy, Abdel-Elah Al-Khatib, "and respond concretely and positively to the ideas presented to them, in order to end the bloodshed in the country," the spokesperson said.

His remarks came three days after allegations that a NATO strike in the village of Majer near Zlitan wound up killing 85 civilians --- 33 children, 32 women and 20 men.

The Tripoli government called it "a massaacre" of civilians; NATO has said its warplanes struck two farms used as a staging point for Gadhafi's forces

"This is a legitimate target. And by striking it, NATO has reduced pro-Gadhafi forces capabilities to threaten and attack civilians," said Col. Roland Lavoie, a spokesman for the NATO operation.

"We do not have evidence of civilian casualties at this stage, although casualties among military personnel, including mercenaries, are very likely due to the nature of the target."

But, on Tuesday, officials from the government in Tripoli escorted international journalists to a mass funeral in Majer, and to the site where the government and residents said the NATO airstrike killed civilians.

Journalists saw the bodies of children and women among the dead and wounded at the site of the attack.

It was impossible for CNN to confirm the extent of the casualties.

A spokesman for the Tripoli government, Musa Ibrahim, called it "a crime beyond imagination."

For weeks, NATO warplanes have been bombing Zlitan on a daily basis. Meanwhile, rebels have been pressing toward Zlitan's eastern gates from the nearby opposition-held port of Misrata.

Speaking to journalists in Majer on Tuesday, Ibrahim accused NATO of bombing Majer to clear the way for rebels to advance on the Gadhafi-controlled city of Zlitan, a few kilometers north.

Maj. Gen. Nick Pope, spokesman for the British Ministry of Defence, said Thursday that British aircraft have been in action in recent days "as part of NATO's mission to protect civilians at risk of attack from Col. Gadhafi's former regime."

The latest operations included British aircraft carrying out precision airstrikes on several sites in and around Zlitan, Pope said in a statement.

The report of civilian deaths stirred anger in Washington.

"If such reports are true, it further highlights the increased risks to civilians that has occurred as a result of military intervention in Libya and is further evidence that continued bombing by NATO ... is an inappropriate tool to protect civilians or force Moammar Gadhafi from power," wrote Rep. Dennis Kucinich in a letter to Ban.

"How can they continue to cause the deaths of innocent civilians under the color of international law and not be held accountable?" the Ohio Democrat continued.

The changing nature of who controls what in Libya was underscored Thursday by events in Washington, where the Libyan Embassy officially reopened under the control of the Transitional National Council.

"This is a message that Gadhafi can no more rule Libya," said Ali Aujali, who was accredited Thursday as head of the Libyan mission.

Aujuli said he talked Thursday with State Department officials about the Obama administration's efforts to help the TNC gain access to some $30 billion in frozen Libyan assets.

The State Department had ordered the embassy closed in March and expelled diplomats loyal to Gadhafi. Aujali had resigned his post as the Gadhafi regime's ambassador to the United States in February and has since represented the opposition in Washington.

The United States on July 15 recognized the rebel movement based in Benghazi as Libya's rightful government.

Revenue explains Thaksin tax let off

The Revenue Department has explained its decision not to pursue a tax claim against former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra on huge profits gained from the 2006 sale of ShinCorp shares to the Singapore government-owned Temasek Holdings.
Department chief Sathit Rangkhasiri said on Thursday the shares were sold on the stock market.

The department therefore could not pursue the capital gains tax claim against the former prime minister.

The department had not appealed a judgement by the Central Tax Court dismssing a 12-billion-baht tax assessement against Pinthongta and Panthongtae Shinawatra for the Shin Corp sale following a ruling by the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions that the two were not real owners of the shares, but were instead acting as nominees for their father, Thaksin.

Because of the court’s ruling, the actual owner of the Shin Corp shares was Thaksin, said Mr Sathit. The ousted prime minister was not required to pay tax because he sold his shares to Temasek Holdings on the stock market, not outside the market.

Former finance minister Korn Chatikavanij has slammed the Revenue Department for its failure to pursue the tax claim against Thaksin, saying he had asked it several times to clarify its position.

The shares were sold to Temasek immediately after the Thaksin caretaker cabinet changed the law by ministerial regulation to allow the sale of the family's entire 49 per cent share in ShinCorp to a foreign entity, far in excess of the previous level.

Yutthasak: Cambodia ready for GBC meeting

Cambodia says it is ready to resume meetings of the General Border Committee (GBC), Defence Minister Yutthasak Sasiprapa said on Thursday.

"I've received a letter from (defence minister) Gen Tea Banh inviting me to pay an official visit to Cambodia.

"Gen Tea Banh later phoned me asking me to arrange a GBC meeting before the end of this month, and I agreed," Gen Yutthasak said.
The GBC meeting would be finalised after the government's policy statement is delivered to parliament, he said.

The policy statement has been scheduled for Aug 24, cabinet secretary-general Ampon Kittiampon announced today.

"Gen Tea Banh said Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen wants the GBC meeting first, without having to wait for a meeting between the Cambodian and Thai prime ministers.

"I believe everything will improve after the GBC meeting," Gen Yutthasak said.

The Thai representatives on the GTBC will not be changed and the Supreme Command Headquarters will announce whether the meeting will be held in Bangkok or Phnom Penh, he said.

The minister said he would make a personal visit to Prime Minister Hun Sen if the meeting is held in Phnom Penh.

"The two countries will discuss issues that will create a win-win situation such as ways to ensure the happiness of both Thais and Cambodians living near the border, and ways of reducing troop deployments on both sides of the border," Gen Yutthasak said.

Army Region 2 spokesman Prawit Hukaew said Cambodia had agreed to take part in a Regional Border Committee (RBC) meeting on Aug 23 to 25 in Nakhon Ratchasima.

Army Region 2 commander Tawatchai Samutsakhon together with high-ranking military officials from the two countries would attend the RBC meeting, Col Prawit said.

The meeting would discuss border troop reductions and the International Court of Justice's order for the two countries to withdraw their troops from a court declared demilitarised area around Preah Vihear temple, he said.

The result of this meeting would be reported to the defence minister and the cabinet, the spokesman said.

Female suicide bomber, 7 others killed in back-to-back Pakistan blasts

Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- A teenage suicide bomber blew herself up Thursday at a police checkpoint in the northwest Pakistani city of Peshawar -- minutes after a blast targeting a police truck a few blocks away, authorities said.

The back-to-back explosions killed seven people, in addition to the female bomber.

During the past few years, northwest Pakistan has been repeatedly hit by bombings but suicide attacks carried out by women are rare.

The first blast occurred when a truck carrying about 20 policeman passed by, said Hukam Khan, a senior official with the city's bomb disposal squad. The bomb was planted on a parked fruit cart and remotely detonated, he said.

The blast killed a child and five police officers, said security officials in Peshawar. It wounded 32 others.

Shortly afterward, the female suicide bomber first tossed a grenade at a police checkpoint -- then detonated her vest, said police official Shafqaat Malak.

The attack killed a passer-by and wounded three others, police said.

Police said the casualties in the second blast were low because the attacker's suicide vest may have malfunctioned, setting off only a portion of her explosives.

Investigators say early indications are the suicide bomber was trying to get to the scene of the initial blast but was stopped at the checkpoint.

During the past few years, northwest Pakistan has been repeatedly hit by bombings but suicide attacks carried out by women are rare.

Peshawar is the capital of Pakistan's northwest province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where insurgents have routinely targeted police and security forces.

In December 2010, a teenage female suicide bomber killed more than 40 people and injured more than 100 others at a food distribution point in Pakistan's tribal region.

No one immediately claimed responsibility for the attacks.

UK chancellor: Recovery will be 'choppy and difficult'

London (CNN) -- The road to economic recovery in Britain will be "longer and harder than had been hoped" and will require continued commitment to the government's deficit-reduction program, Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne told lawmakers Thursday,

Speaking at a specially convened meeting of Parliament, Osborne -- a Conservative member of parliament who was appointed head of the UK's treasury in May 2010 -- said a reason for the recent turmoil in global markets was because the world had now realized how difficult it would be to overcome the "huge overhang of debt" many nations face.

He said weak economic data from the United States and its credit downgrade by Standard & Poor's last week, and the "crisis of confidence" that is spreading to the euro zone's larger economies, "did not come out of the blue" and all have unsustainable borrowing as a common ground.

"History teaches us that recovery from this sort of debt-driven, financial balance-sheet recession was always going to be choppy and difficult," Osborne said.

He also noted that financial instability in Britain's main export markets has contributed to the country's reduced expectations for growth.

However, Osborne said, Britain's program of deficit reduction had made it a "safe haven in the global debt storm" for investors troubled by a weak recovery in the United States and high debt levels in the euro zone.

He noted that gilt -- or government bond -- yields have come down to about 2.5%, which he said were the lowest rates in more than 100 years, and that "the UK's Credit Default Swap Spread, or the price of insuring against a sovereign default, was lower than Germany's."

"This is a huge vote of confidence in the credibility of British government debt and a major source of stability for the British economy at a time of exceptional instability," Osborne said. "And it is a reminder of the reckless folly of those who said we were going too far, too fast.

"We can all see now that their approach would have been too little, too late -- with disastrous consequences for Britain."

Osborne's opposition counterpart, Ed Balls of the Labour Party, disputed Osborne's analysis, saying anyone listening to the chancellor would conclude he was "either deeply complacent or in complete denial" about the real economic situation in Britain.

Balls said the government had been overly zealous in making cuts and had left Britain's economy "thoroughly exposed to this brewing global hurricane."

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PANCHAGARH, Aug 11 (BSS) - A bumper production of jute is expected in all the five upazilas of the district during the current season.

"About 92,385 bales of jute are expected to be produced on 15,584 hectares of land in the district," said Md Alimuzzaman, Deputy Director of Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE). He is optimistic that production target of jute would be achieved this year in Panchagarh district.

Present price of jute in the district is now Taka 1400 or more per maund while the farmers are happy at the current rate of jute price.

Explaining the reasons for good production of jute, DAE officials said climate was favourable and there was no pest attack this season. As a result, jute plants grew well up to a height of 10 to 12 feet in most areas of the district.

Harvesting of jute plants started from August and is expected to be completed by September.

RU admission test begins October 23

RAJSHAHI UNIVERSITY, Aug 11 (BSS)-The admission test of Rajshahi University (RU) for the 1st year honours in the 2011-12 academic year will begin on October 23 and continue till October 26.

The decision came at a meeting of the admission test sub-committee this noon with Vice-Chancellor Prof M Abdus Sobhan in the chair.

The admission forms will be distributed from September 15 and continued till September 30 and submission of the forms will take place during the same period. Admission seekers can apply through SMS by using Tele-talk mobile operator.

Detailed information about the admission test will be available on

National Mourning Day programme in Faridpur

FARIDPUR, Aug 11(BSS)-An elaborate programme has been drawn up to observe the National Mourning Day on August 15 marking the 36th anniversary of martyrdom of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman with due respect and solemnity.

The day's programme will begin with hoisting of national flag at half-mast atop all private and public buildings along with black flag reflecting the sign of grief.

Wreaths will be placed at the portrait of Bangabandhu kept at Ambica Memorial Hall. A mourning procession will be brought in the town on the occasion.

Besides, a centrally arranged Milad and Doa-Mahfil will be held on the office premises of deputy commissioner of Faridpur. Another special prayer will be held at local Ramkrishna Mission Asram.

A discussion on the life and contribution of Bangabandhu in the emergence of independent Bangladesh will be held at local Kabi Jasimuddin Hall in the afternoon followed by a Doa and Iftar Mahfil.

Labour, Employment and Expatriates Welfare Minister Engineer Khondoker Mosharraf Hossain will be the chief guest at the meeting.

District Information office will screen documentary films on
Bangabandhu at different places of the district town.

Faridpur chapter of Bangladesh Shishu Academy will hold essay, art and painting competitions, recitations, Hamd and Naat- e-Rasul competitions for the children in DC's conference room on August 14 on the occasion.

Tennis: Vinci topples top seed Wozniacki

TORONTO, Aug 11 (BSS/AFP) - Caroline Wozniacki's bid for a second-straight WTA Canada crown ended abruptly on Wednesday as the world number one was stunned in her opening match by unseeded Italian Roberta Vinci.

Vinci defeated the top-seeded Dane 6-4, 7-5 to reach the third round. Wozniacki, playing her first tournament since Bastad in the first week of July, had enjoyed a first-round bye.

After dropping the first set, Wozniacki mounted a challenge,taking a 5-1 lead in the second.

But Vinci, ranked 22 in the world, battled back to finish off the victory.

"This is the best victory in my life," said Vinci, 28. "I was 5-1 down but I knew that I can win the set because it was a lot of wind, so some mistakes.

"I tried to stay focused and play aggressive."

Wozniacki, winner of a WTA-leading five titles this season, had trouble with her serve in the windy weather. The conditions contributed to her seven double faults.

"It was very difficult at first with the wind," Wozniacki said. "Especially when you threw it up. It was going everywhere,so definitely that didn't make it easy. It was blowing in different directions, but it's the same for both players."

She was particularly disappointed that she couldn't at least win the second set to give herself a chance in a third.

"I would have liked to have won that one and especially after leading 5-1 in the second," Wozniacki said.

Her early exit leaves the tournament without its top two seeds after second-seeded Kim Clijsters retired from her match against China's Zheng Jie with a stomach muscle injury that casts doubts on the Belgian's upcoming US Open title defence.

Wozniacki and Clijsters led a strong field that included all
of the WTA's top 20 players here this week.

But one of the players most in the spotlight isn't even in that group, as Serena Williams arrived unseeded in the wake of her 11-month injury layoff that ended in June.

The former world number one defeated Germany's Julia Goerges 6-1, 7-6 (9/7) to set up a meeting with Zheng.

Williams also said the gusty wind made things difficult.

"It was just so much wind out there so it was a little difficult, but we were in the same circumstances so that's what I tried to think of," she said, adding that she had to tone down her powerful serve.

"I had to hit it softer today because it was so windy, I had to take pace off my ball," she said. "If you hit it too hard the ball is going to totally fly the harder you hit."

Third-seeded Vera Zvonareva, fourth-seeded Victoria Azarenka and fifth-seeded Maria Sharapova all advanced, as did French Open champion Li Na and Wimbledon champion Petra Kvitova.

Zvonareva defeated fellow Russian Nadia Petrova 7-5, 6-4,while Sharapova survived some erratic serving in the second set to defeat Serbian qualifier Bojana Jovanovski 6-1, 7-5.

Azarenka, of Belarus, ended the hopes of Canadian Stephanie Dubois 6-0, 6-0.

China's Li advanced on a walkover when compatriot Peng Shuai withdrew prior to their match with a left hip injury suffered in San Diego last week.

"It is sad for her," said Li, the sixth seed. "Always tough when you're playing same-country player. We train together, we know much (about each other). Always tough."

Kvitova reached the third round with a 7-6 (7/3), 6-3 victory over Spain's Anabel Medina Garrigues.

The seventh-seeded Czech came back from 5-6 in the first set, firing two aces past Medina Garrigues to make it 40-15.

The 33rd-ranked Spaniard then netted a ball to send the set to a tiebreaker.

Kvitova shrugged off a rain delay in the second set to secure the victory.

Eighth-seeded Francesca Schiavone of Italy also reached the third round with a 6-1, 6-3 victory over Ekaterina Makarova.

Football: Levein happy as Scotland move in right direction

GLASGOW, Aug 11 (BSS/AFP) - Craig Levein believes Scotland's 2-1 friendly win over Denmark at Hampden is another step in the right direction as they prepare for next month's crucial Euro 2012 qualifiers.

Scotland face Group I rivals the Czech Republic and Lithuania at Hampden in September in games that will go a long way to deciding who will take the play-off spot that comes with finishing second behind world champions Spain.

But after watching his side defeat Denmark -- who top qualifying Group H along with Norway and Portugal -- for the first time since 1975, the Scotland manager said the result was another sign of progress.

"The result will do us the world of good. There were a lot of things that were important from the match," Levein said.

"The win shows a mentality that's needed. This game was a friendly match and I said that beforehand but it shows a sign of progress.

"We sat here a year ago talking about a 3-0 defeat in Sweden that was hefty and sore and very difficult for me.

"When I was asked after the game what positives I took out of it I found it very difficult to take any out of the game.

"Right from the build-up this time round we have had far fewer call-offs. You look at the players and they keep improving. They are starting to gel a little bit on the pitch as well as off it.

"And although we have got a hell of a long way to go there are signs of progress."

Scotland took the lead at Hampden when William Kvist deflected a free-kick from Liverpool's Charlie Adam past Thomas Sorensen in the 22nd minute.

The Danes drew level nine minutes later with a free-kick of their own when Ajax's Christian Eriksen caught out 'keeper Allan McGregor from his swerving set-piece.

However, Scotland regained the lead on the stroke of half-time through Robert Snodgrass, and Levein said he hoped for an even better performance against the Czechs -- who Scotland trail by five points having played a game less -- in what is a must win game next month.

"The real pleasing thing for me was the way we played, particularly in the first-half when for long spells we did exactly what I hoped we would do, which was to be patient in possession and be incisive in attack," Levein said.

"We had some really good passages of play which are indicative of the stuff the lads have been playing in the last four or five games.

"Overall it is another small step in the right direction. The intention is to put on an even better display against the Czech Republic if that is possible.

"I am confident we are capable of beating the Czech Republic. I know for a fact we will go out and play in the same manner and we will run ourselves into the ground to win the game. That is a big thing to have in our armory.

"I think we are getting better but I can't guarantee results, that's impossible.

"If we can keep improving and if the players believe together they can keep improving then we've got a good chance."

Asia's giants highly exposed to natural disasters - survey

PARIS, Aug 11 (BSS/AFP) - The United States and Japan have the highest bills to pay from natural disasters, but Asia's emerging giants -- China, India and Indonesia -- are proportionately at greater risk from them, a survey said today.

British risk assessors Maplecroft ranked 196 countries according to their economic exposure to earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, landslides, floods, storms and wildfires.

Four nations -- the United States, ranked first, followed by Japan, China and Taiwan -- were deemed at "extreme risk" in absolute terms, which means the overall cost in dollar terms from a natural disaster.

Seven other countries (Mexico, India, the Philippines, Turkey, Indonesia, Italy and Canada) were rated as "high risk" in absolute terms.

But a different picture emerged when countries were assessed for their social and economic ability to cope with a disaster.

China, India, the Philippines and Indonesia were all in the high risk category, while the United States and Japan were rated low risk.

Seventeen countries, most of them African and headed by
Somalia, were considered to be at extreme risk, according to the
barometer of socio-economic resilience.

The survey, the Natural Hazards Risk Atlas 2011, looks at 11
indicators derived from data for 2005-2010 compiled by the
International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank and the US Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA).

It does not include the effects of drought on national
economies or the cost to agriculture from natural disaster.

"Natural hazards have been more costly to the world economy
so far than any other year on record," Maplecroft observed.

"The tsunami in Japan, tornadoes in the United States, the
Christchurch earthquake (in New Zealand) and flooding in
Australia have all contributed to a massive $265 billion total
for the first six months of the year."

Traders plea for realizing reasonable VAT in Rangpur region

RANGPUR, Aug 11 (BSS) - Leaders of Rangpur Chamber and businesspersons' organisations here yesterday called upon the VAT
officials for realizing reasonable amount of value added tax (VAT) from the traders in Rangpur region.

They requested the VAT authorities for considering business conditions of the traders having inadequate capability of paying VAT depending on their business conditions while extending the
periphery of fixing VAT in the region.

The businessmen community leaders pleaded these while exchanging views with Rangpur Divisional Officer of the Customs,Excise and VAT Mohammad Wajed Ali and senior VAT officials of Rangpur region at Chamber auditorium.

President of Rangpur Chamber of Commerce and Industry (RCCI)and district unit Commander of Bangladesh Muktijuddha Sangshad Mosaddek Hossain Bablu chaired the meeting that was held in a cordial atmosphere.

Asia Foundation (AF) and RCCI assisted in arranging the
meeting of the businesspersons and chamber leaders with the
senior VAT officials for further enhancing trade and commerce in
the region and increasing the government's revenue collection.

General Secretary of Rangpur unit of Bangladesh Jewelers' Association Enamul Haque Sohel, President of district unit of Bangladesh Restaurant Owners' Association Abdul Mazid Khokan, Proprietor of Sayeed Bakery Reaz Shaheed Suman narrated the present situation in realizing VAT and prevailing problems in the field.

General Secretary of Nababganj Bazaar Businessmen Association Akbar Ali, President of district Shop Owners' Association Rezwan Ali Litan and Senior Programme Officer of AF Mir Mostaq Ahmed addressed.

Vice-president of RCCI Alhaj Habibur Rahman Raja, its Senior
Vice- president Alhaj Mostafa Sohrab Titu, Directors Mozammel
Haque Dambel and Md Fazlul Haque also took part in the discussion to focus the overall VAT realizing situation in the region.

Revenue Officers of the Customs, Excise and VAT Mohammad Ali Mandal and ASM Mohsin, RCCI Directors Rabi Somani and Moztoba Hossain Ripan, its Secretary AKM Yunus Pramanik and Deputy Secretary Ibrar Ali, were present.

Divisional Officer of the Customs, Excise and VAT Mohammad Wajed Ali thanked the businessmen of all strata of Rangpur region for their assistances that led to realization of double amount of VAT as revenue so far.

He assured the businessmen and traders of all strata of Rangpur region of full cooperation in resolving the prevailing issues with utmost sincerity and sought their further cooperation in realizing VAT within tolerable and reasonable limits.

Eurozone majors move swiftly to cut deficits

PARIS, Aug 11 (BSS/AFP) - France and Italy, the eurozone's second- and third-largest economies, were hurriedly preparing deficit-cutting measures today amid renewed concerns that debt burdens may sink the single currency.

Italian lawmakers were set to discuss a constitutional amendment on a balanced budget, while the both the Italian and French grovernments were hurriedly preparing new deficit cutting measures to be adopted within days.

A relief rally on the US Federal Reserve saying it would likely keep interest rates at ultra-low levels for the next two years quickly faded on Wednesday and the European and US markets fell sharply.

Pressure from the markets and the European Central Bank has seen a redoubling of deficit cutting efforts as the debt crisis that has already hit Greece, Ireland and Portugal threatens to ensnare core eurozone countries.

On Wednesday, French President Nicolas Sarkozy cut short his holiday to announce new moves to slash France's deficit and the country was hit by rumours it might be next after the United States to lose its top triple-A credit rating.

Sarkozy gave his finance and budget ministers one week to come up with new ideas for keeping France's promises to slash its public deficit, with the measures to be decided upon on August 24.

Concerns over an economic slowdown that has caused a major selloffs on global stock markets has also forced countries to increase or quicken cuts in order to meet their deficit reduction targets.

Market rumours that France was set to lose its triple-A rating were swifly denied by the government and Fitch promptly confirmed Paris' top rating. Standard and Poor's, which downgraded the United States last week, has also said the outlook for France's triple-A rating is stable.

In Italy, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has called parliament back early from summer holidays to vote Thursday on a constitutional amendment that would require a balanced budget.

On Wednesday, he met trade unions and business leaders to try to nail down reforms they shunned just a month earlier, and set an emergency cabinet meeting next week to adopt the measures.

"We have agreed to call a cabinet meeting by the 18th of this month," Berlusconi was quoted as saying.

"We have to act quickly. We have taken on heavy commitments," he said.

Italian news reports said the government meeting would adopt the measures by decree to speed up their approval.

But reports from participants at the meeting said that trade union leaders were united in rejecting proposals to overhaul the labour market and the pensions system.

The ECB this week began massive purchases of Italian and Spanish bonds to lower borrowing rates following a panic sell-off last week, but in return it has called on the government to implement long-delayed structural reforms.

The burst of eurozone activity came a day after Trichet warned in a radio interview that Europe was facing "the worst crisis since the Second World War" and said the bank had been "extremely clear" with governments on what actions need to be taken.

Economists felt the ECB was now dictating terms to eurozone
governments in exchange for controversial aid that only it can
provide at short notice.

"The ECB is now accelerating the process of conforming to
the standards it requires by really dictating here the changes it
requires to provide support," Barclays Capital managing director
Julian Callow told AFP.

Eurozone member Cyprus on Wednesday unveiled tax hike
proposals to trim its fiscal gap, but Fitch Ratings downgraded it
by two notches and said it will likely need an EU bailout.

European bank shares were hammered on Wednesday after
Greece's finance minister said some of the bonds included in the
debt swap that is part of its latest rescue might stretch further
than initially thought.

ADB approves $300 million loan to cut power shortage

DHAKA, Aug 11 (BSS) - The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is extending a $300 million energy infrastructure loan to help renovate a power station and install energy saving generating system to address the power shortages, which are undermining the economy and slowing poverty reduction efforts.

The ADB Board of Directors today approved the loan for the Power System Efficiency Improvement Project, which will help meet the country's urgent need for more energy-efficient generating plants and greater use of renewable power sources, an ADB press release said.

The project will fund the replacement of five aging generation units at Ashuganj power station with a new energy- efficient combined cycle power plant using natural gas as the fuel source.

It will also finance a 5-megawatt solar photovoltaic generating system that will connect to the national grid, along with a hybrid wind, solar and diesel system on the island of Hatiya.

Streetlights will be installed or retrofitted with solar and light emitting diode technology in the cities of Barisal, Chittagong, Dhaka, Khulna, Rajshahi and Sylhet.

These initiatives will help Bangladesh cut carbon dioxide emissions by hundreds of thousands of tons a year, making the project eligible for carbon financing under the Clean Development Mechanism.

It also incorporates a gender action plan, funded by an ADB technical assistance grant of $350,000, that will ensure women are able to benefit equally from energy-related employment and livelihood opportunities.

The loan, sourced from ADB's ordinary capital resources, has a 25-year term with a grace period of 5 years and interest determined in accordance with ADB's LIBOR-based lending facility.

The Islamic Development Bank (IDB) is providing co-financing of $200 million, with the Government of Bangladesh extending over $81 million for a total project cost of almost $581.2 million.

The executing agencies of the project include the Ashuganj Power Station Company, the Power Development Board and the Power Division of the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources. The project is due for completion by end June 2017.

Gold becomes dearer on global surge

DHAKA, Aug 11 (BSS)- Prices of gold ornaments hit a new high today as Bangladesh Jewellers Samity (BJS) has re-fixed the prices of the precious metal for the second time in a week.

The BJS re-fixed the prices of 18-carat at Tk 45, 489, 21-carat at Tk 51,438 and 22-carat at Tk 53,829 per bhori today.

On August 4, the Samity fixed the prices of gold (per bhori) at Tk 44,031 for 18 carat, Tk 49,747 for 21 carat and Tk 52,079 for 22 carat.

"We've adjusted the price of gold today in line with the surging prices in the international market," said BJS General Secretary Dr. Dewan Aminul Islam Shahin.

In the international market the price of bullion registered a record high of $1,788 per ounce today with a rise of around four percent over the week, according to Bloomberg.

"Our local price of gold ornaments depends on the international market which is very volatile over the last few years," Shahin added.

He said the BJS revised the gold price 13 times this year and the price has increased over cent percent in the last two years. Gold price has also doubled in the international market since 2009.

If price of gold is not adjusted, there is a high possibility of smuggling to neighboring countries, the BJS said.

WZ Railway earns Taka 190.53 crore in 2010-11 fisca

AJSHAHI, Aug 11 (BSS)- The West Zone of Bangladesh Railway has earned revenue of around Taka 190.53 crore during the last 2010-11 fiscal, up by Taka 11.51 crore over the previous 2009-10 fiscal.

Of the total earning, Taka 97.10 crore were obtained by carrying passengers while Taka 44.71 crore from the goods transportation.

Chief Commercial Manager of the zone Abdul Awal Bhuiyan told BSS that the revenue earning is gradually being increased despite of multifarious problems being faced by the railway sector.

The zone, covering Rajshahi, Rangpur and Khulna divisions, has been operating 118 pair trains including 39 doe intercity on different routes including the capital Dhaka at present.

He stated that the number of passengers on various routes where the intercity trains plying especially those connecting the capital Dhaka has been increased significantly.

In most of the cases, he said the railway staffs are facing a great trouble to manage the enhanced passengers.

"We have earned around Taka 20 lakh by carrying 5705 metric tons of fertilizers to Nepal in two consignments in last month," said Awal Bhuiyan adding that the Rajshahi-Rohanpur border railway line is being adjudged as the Trans Asian Railway Route.

For the betterment of the passengers in general he said 26 major stations have been computerized and some of those including Rajshahi have launched ticket selling, seat reservation and other requisite privileges through online system.

He, however, said the revenue earning could be enhanced to a
greater extent if the 106 nonfunctional stations are re-launched
as early as possible.

Chief Operating Superintendent Saiful Islam told BSS that
the huge number of stations remained inoperative for long due to
various problems including manpower shortage.

He emphasized the need for taking effective step to restart
the stations as early as possible for the sake of reflecting the
hopes and aspirations of the general public as many people still
depend on railway journey.

On the other hand, works on eight railway uplift projects
are being progressed on different routes of the zone involving
around Taka 3000 crore at present aiming at bringing dynamism in
the railway transportation, said Rafiqul Islam, Chief Engineer of
the zone.

On successful implementation of the projects by December
2013, he said significant developments are expected in the
railway sector including its revenue earning.

London Sikhs lead fightback against riots

LONDON, Aug 11 (BSS/AFP) - The fires which have raged in London's worst rioting for decades have forged a sense of community rarely seen in the British capital, with Sikhs in the western borough of Southall leading the way.

Hundreds of turbaned men gathered outside their gurdwara, or temple, to defend the west London borough on Tuesday after rumours circulated on social networking website Twitter that it was next on the looters' hitlist.

Men sporting traditional garb including the kirpan, a ceremonial Sikh dagger, led chants as others patrolled the area by car and motorcycle looking out for the looters who have terrorised the city since Saturday.

The Sikh religion obliges every devotee to carry a small stylized dagger sewn in a closed scabbard under their clothes but most were steadfast in their of rejection of violence.

Sikhism is a monotheistic religion founded in 15th century Punjab, India, on the teachings of Guru Nanak and 10 successive Sikh gurus. Its principal beliefs are faith and justice.

Amarjit Singh Dhillon, an adviser to the hastily-convened committee, explained to AFP that the operation was "not about vigilantes, just self-defence".

"Being a Sikh means that you can never attack anyone, but if somebody attacks you... enough is enough!" he added.

"My house can be rebuilt...but this is a place of worship, it is for everybody," he said, adding that he would be ashamed of himself if he didn't protect it.

Committee President Himat Singh Sohi, sporting a lustrous white beard and black turban, stressed that "the message of our guru is peace, live in harmony and work hard".

Sri Guru Singh Sabha Gurdwara, the biggest Sikh temple in Europe, serves as the focal point for local worshipers, who make up 23 percent of the area's population, according to the 2001 census.

Sunny Bangea, 23, said he was prepared "to fight fire with fire" to protect the temple and surrounding community.

"A lot of stupid things happened here," he said. "On Monday night, gangs tried to set the temple on fire, but there was no damage. Since then, we look after the temple 24 hours a day."

"It's just a bunch of idiots creating trouble."

The community mobilised after a tweet from rioters was intercepted Monday reading: "All my...niggas that linked up today Roll thru tomoro at 6pm sharp in Southall broadway hit up the jewellers!"

Although centred around the temple, the operation extended to all members of the community, one of Bangea's friends explained.

"It's the local area, we have to help, even if it's the pub across the street," he told AFP.

Community defence groups have sprung up across the capital since unprecedented rioting and looting began late Saturday after a protest against the death of a man in a police shooting turned violent.

Sympathy for the rioters was in short supply among the men of Southall.

Investment bank worker Davinder Singh, who called on his fellow Sikhs to uphold their reputation as "saints and soldiers", bemoaned the descent into anarchy.

"From a spiritual and religious view, it's the dark ages we're living right now," he said. "There was a little bit of a disturbance and then people just go to gain whatever they can. It's just pure selfishness."

A warden at the grand marbled temple said the lack of police presence had forced them to act.

"Two days ago, black Muslims came here to fight," he said."We called members of the community to defend the temple and we pushed them back.

"Then the police came and told us that we should unite to defend ourselves," he added.

Increased police numbers appeared to have quelled the disorder, but the Southall Sikh community continued to maintain their vigil as night fell Wednesday.

US lawmaker wants probe of Bin Laden film project

WASHINGTON, Aug 11 (BSS/AFP) - A Republican lawmaker accused the Obama administration Wednesday of jeopardizing national security by cooperating with a Hollywood film project on the raid that killed Osama bin Laden.

Representative Peter King, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, demanded an inquiry after learning of the Pentagon's collaboration with Oscar-winning filmmaker Kathryn Bigelow.

"I write to express concern regarding ongoing leaks of classified information regarding sensitive military operations," King wrote in a letter to the inspectors general at the Pentagon and CIA.

Cooperating with a film "about the raid is bound to increase such leaks, and undermine these organizations' hard-won reputations as 'quiet professionals,'" he wrote.

The Pentagon confirmed preliminary discussions with Bigelow and journalist-turned screenwriter Mark Boal about a film focusing on the hunt for bin Laden.

"It's customary to provide established filmmakers with technical information, script research type stuff," said Phil Strub, who as director of entertainment media oversees the Pentagon's cooperation with the film industry.

The White House dismissed the criticism as "ridiculous," saying it was routine for officials to speak with filmmakers or authors to ensure accuracy but that no secret information was divulged.

"We do not discuss classified information. And I would hope that as we face the continued threat from terrorism, the House Committee on Homeland Security would have more important topics to discuss than a movie," White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters.

The Defense Department regularly allows filmmakers, including the producers of the current "Transformers" movies,access to US military bases, ships or aircraft after reviewing a script and approving how troops and the armed forces are portrayed.

But King, a Republican lawmaker from New York, cited New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, who suggested the White House was seeking to bolster Obama's image with the film project and to counter the president's "growing reputation as ineffectual."

"The moviemakers are getting top-level access to the most classified mission in history," Dowd wrote over the weekend.

She also said the film was due to open in October 2012,before presidential elections in November next year, "perfectly timed to give a home-stretch boost to a campaign that has grown tougher."

Bigelow's scriptwriter colleague, Boal, attended a recent CIA ceremony honoring the Navy SEAL team who went after Bin Laden, according to Dowd.

The talks with Bigelow were at a preliminary stage and there had been no formal request to film Blackhawk helicopters or other military hardware, Strub said.

She had already been working on a project about the pursuit of Bin Laden before Navy SEAL commandos gunned down the Al-Qaeda chief at his Pakistani hideout on May 2.

Bigelow, who became the first woman to win the best director Oscar last year for the 2008 Iraq bomb squad movie "The Hurt Locker," had previously been focused on Bin Laden eluding US and Afghan forces in the mountains of Tora Bora in Afghanistan in 2001.

Strub said the filmmaker met Michael Vickers, undersecretary of defense for intelligence, who gave her an overview of the Bin Laden operation and the decision-making process surrounding the raid.

Vickers, a former CIA paramilitary officer and member of the Army Special Forces, was portrayed in the 2007 film adaptation of the book "Charlie Wilson's War" about US support for Afghans fighting Soviet troops in the 1980s.

The Pentagon declined to cooperate with Bigelow's "Hurt Locker" amid disagreements about the script, which portrayed a US Army bomb disposal squad in Baghdad, officials said.

US film giant Columbia Pictures has won the American distribution rights for the Bin Laden movie, which is due to begin filming later this year.

Bangabandhu started struggle against injustice in childhood

DHAKA, Aug 11 (BSS) - Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman started political struggle in his childhood and continued throughout his life, recalls his close associate Sirajul Islam Chowdhury.

Mujib's protest against injustice and repression was visible when he was a student of Gopalganj Mission School, Chowdhury told BSS.

He said the political life of Bangabandhu started during the period from 1942 to 1947, but its foundation was laid when he was a student of class seven in 1938.

Sirajul Islam Chowdhury was the chief coordinator of 1954 Jukta Front election in Gopalganj from where Sheikh Mujib contested the election against Muslim League leader Wahiduzzaman.

Octogenarian Chowdhury said, "Mujib Bhai's teacher Hamid Master, an activist of anti-British movement, played a role in the development of a struggling mindset in him."

Sheikh Mujib was a man of tough and soft personality, Sirajul Islam Chowdhury and recalled an incident of January 16, 1938 when Prime Minister of undivided Bengal Sher-e-Bangla AK Fazlul Haq and Hossain Shaheed Suhrawardi came to Gopalganj on a visit.

"As the dignitaries came to the Mission School as part of their tour, Mujib Bhai stood on their way along with a number of his classmates. The headmaster tried to prevent them, but adamant Mujib Bhai said he will not give way to the ministers unless they make arrangements for repairing the dilapidated roof of their hostel," Sirajul Islam Chowdhury said.

As the message reached Sher-e-Bangla, he allocated Taka 1200 from his optional fund and pacified Mujib and his team. Then Suhrawardi sent a slip and called Sheikh Mujib to the Dakbanglo, Chowdhury recalled.

"All used to respect Sheikh Mujib, but he was a little bit different to me. He was my political father, my guru, my Miah Bhai. His influence on my life is immense. As much as I saw him, I became fascinated with the greatness of his heart," said an emotional Sirajul Islam Chowdhury.

He said once Bangabandhu was attacked with beriberi disease at the age of 12. His eyes were affected. He was sent to Kolkata for improved treatment. A pall of gloom descended on Gopalganj. At least 500 people came out to accompany him. There was hardly any house where food was cooked on that day, Chowdhury said and added that the SDO [sub-divisional officer] of Gopalganj too respected Sheikh Mujib and used to invite him for tea.

Sirajul Islam Chowdhury recalled the memory of a public meeting in Faridpur in 1953 where Sheikh Mujib was present along with many veteran political leaders. The public meeting turned into a human sea in the afternoon. None was eager to listen to the main speakers.

They all wanted to hear young Sheikh Mujib. Then he addressed the meeting for 45 minutes and referred to the exploitation by Pakistanis, the rights of the people of East Pakistan to wage a
movement and speak in their mother tongue.

"After the meeting, an order was issued to arrest Mujib Bhai. But the then district magistrate of Faridpur Altaf Gawhar informed the authorities that there might be a riot, if he was arrested. Then the arrest order was not executed," said Sirajul Islam Chowdhury.

Bangabandhu was elected unopposed the general secretary of
student council of Kolkata Islamia College in 1946, Chowdhury
said. He recalled that he had played a leading role on behalf of
the college to prevent a communal riot in 1946.

Chowdhury recalled a meeting between Bangabandhu and the West
Pakistani leaders in Maree where he was also present. The
Pakistani leaders included Mamtaz Doulatnama, Mian Arif Iftekhar
and Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.

Bangabandhu asked the Pakistani leaders to remove disparity
between the two provinces and said in English, "If you do not
correct yourself forthwith, it is time for you to leave us so
that we can fight our own war against destiny."

At one stage, he also said, "The representation of Bengalis
in the armed forces of Pakistan is microscopic and almost nil."
This was Sheikh Mujib - Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,
lamented Sirajul Islam Chowdhury.

Finally, Sirajul Islam Chowdhury recalled an incident
involving Nachol Zamindar spouse Ela Mitra. After formation of
Jukta Front government in 1954, a 21-point demand, including
release of political detainees, was placed. Accordingly, all the
political detainees were freed, except Ela Mitra.

"Then Mujib Bhai arranged parole for Ela Mitra in a single
day for her medical treatment," Sirajul Islam Chowdhury said and
added that hundreds of such incidents involving Bangabandhu could
be cited.

PM visits ailing former minister Sheikh Aziz

DHAKA, Aug 11 (BSS)- Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today visited ailing former minister Sheikh Abdul Aziz in the city's Gulshan Shikdar Hospital.

The Prime Minister stayed there for some time and enquired about the health conditions of the veteran politician.

Sheikh Abdul Aziz, 92, suffering from old-age complications for long was in coma for the last couple of days.

Aziz is under life support for the last few days at the Shikdar hospital.

Assistant Private Secretaries to the Prime Minister Khairul Islam and Saifuzzaman Shekhor, among others, accompanied the Prime Minister.
PM visits ailing former minister Sheikh Aziz

Next general poll will certainly be held in 2014: CEC

DHAKA, Aug 11 (BSS) - Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Dr ATM Shamsul Huda today said the next parliamentary election will certainly be held in 2014 and the political parties through discussion will decide how the election will be held.

Addressing a roundtable discussion at Jatiya Press Club, the CEC said the Election Commission (EC) is in dire crisis of manpower. "Even after 40 years of independence, the EC does not have its own office building," he lamented.

Leaders of different political parties, journalists and writers took part in the discussion organized by Sushaner Jonyo Nagorik (Sujan) on 'Reform proposals for EC and some related views'.

The CEC said the EC is not under any government office, department or wing, but both the ruling and opposition parties stand as barriers for commission to perform its duties independently.

About the Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) election, Dr Huda said the commission several times has requested the government in this regard. But, the government is showing different pleas in different times, he said.

"On the other hand, BNP observed that the government in fear of defeat is not holding the election," he said.

The CEC, however, said in any circumstances the general election will be held in 2014 and political parties would certainly take decision how the poll would be held.

Advisor to the former caretaker government M Hafizuddin Ahmed, president of Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal ASM Abdur Rab, former organizing secretary of Awami League Mahmudur Rahman Manna, writer Syed Abul Moqsud, president of Sujan Bodiul Alam Majumder and CPB leader Ruhin Hossain Prince, among others, took part in the discussion.

Foreign aid official calls his meeting with Bangabandhu "unforgettable"

DHAKA, Aug 11 (BSS) - The British-born international aid official Julian Francis today called his meeting with Bangladesh's founder Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman 40 years ago was "unforgettable" event of his life.

"My meeting with him (Bangabandhu) is one I will never forget . . . as I spoke (to him), emotion got the better of me and tears welled up in my eyes," Francis told BSS recalling his meeting with him after his return from Pakistani jail in 1972.

He added: "Sheikh Mujib put his arm around me to comfort me and said, 'Go young man, be strong, and thank you for coming to me and to Bangladesh."

Francis, now in his mid-sixties, was the coordinator of Oxfam's relief operation in 1971 which assisted 500,000 Bangladeshis who took refuge at makeshift camps in India.

Francis said in January 1972, he decided to come to Dhaka in
one of OXFAM's Landrover jeeps, laden with urgently needed medical supplies, from Calcutta and on January 20, "I set off from Calcutta."

"We traveled very slowly as there were so many people walking back from West Bengal to their homes in Bangladesh," said the British aid official and recalled that he reached Dhaka at around midnight next day.

Francis said as advised by fellow aid officials he made a courtesy call on Bangabandhu and "I told him that I wanted his advice about what OXFAM might be able to do to assist in the rehabilitation and development of Bangladesh."

"Sheikh Mujib took his pipe out of his mouth and pointed the stem of the pipe at me 'How did you come here, young man?', he asked in a booming voice. I told him that I had driven over land from Calcutta," said Francis recalling the meeting.

Francis, who currently also is in Bangladesh for the past 21 years to work for the vulnerable char people, recalled Bangabandhu telling, "In that case, you have seen more of my country than I have, as I was a prisoner for over 9 months, so please tell me what my country needs. What have you seen?"

"I told Sheikh Mujib that I had seen many villages that had been burnt down, many bridges and culverts blown up and many ferries, large and small, sunk in the rivers," he said. Francis also told him about the OXFAM initiatives for providing succors for the people in need in the newborn country.

"Before I left him, Sheikh Mujib asked me about my experiences working with the people of Bangladesh in the refugee camps. As I spoke, emotion got the better of me and tears welled up in my eyes. Sheikh Mujib put his arm around me to comfort me and said, 'Go young man, be strong, and thank you for coming to me and to Bangladesh'," he quoted Bangabandhu as saying.

As a result of the meeting with Sheikh Mujib, he said, OXFAM was able to procure three truck-carrying ferries and to assist the repair of many others and those continued to ply across the Padma river at Goalondo to this day, some 40 years later.

In 1975, Francis said, he was based in New Delhi and on August 15, together with his family, he was watching India's Independence Day celebrations on the television when "the programme was interrupted with the news of the assassination of Sheikh Mujib and his family".

"I remembered being numbed by shock and burying my head in my
hands and weeping, in the same way that tears are rolling down my
cheeks today," as he called these memories down.

21,600 weavers to get training in fashion & design ... .by Kamaluddin Ahmed

DHAKA, Aug 11 (BSS) - Bangladesh Handloom Board (BHB) plans to impart training to 21,600 handloom weavers in modern fashion and design of handlooms and textile products to increase their productivity, officials said today.

The BHB has undertaken a Taka 35.55 crore project titled 'Setting Up Fashion Design and Training Institute and Basic Centre for the Development of Handloom Fabrics', which would be financed by Japan Debt Cancellation Fund (JDCF).

"We will provide the handloom weavers with training in their
own looms so that they can produce high-end products," Chief
(Monitoring and Evaluation) of the board told BSS today.

Sharif said under the project, fashion and design and
training institute will be set up at the city's Mirpur and three
training sub-centers in loom-intensive districts -- Belkuchi
(Sirajganj), Kalihati (Tangail) and Kumarkhali (Kushtia).

Land accusation process of Tangail has been completed while
three others would come to an end by this yearend, he said.

BHB Chairman Mostafa Kamal Haider said the main objective of
the project is to boost the level of skill of handloom weavers
and develop new designs so they can survive in the competitive

"The three-year project is aimed at regaining the century-
old glory of handloom industry," he said.

Referring to the accumulated grievances of handloom workers,
Haider said they are deprived of getting fair price for their
produce and displaying products.

Experts say the handloom industry doesn't have specialized
industrial units to sustain the growth of the potential handloom
like Readymade Garment (RMG), the main attraction for foreign

According to the last handloom census, the country has some
505,556 looms and of them, 313,245 looms are now operational,
while 192,311 looms remain inoperative.

There are 888,115 handloom weavers, mostly male, in the
country and they have 1,283 associations, says the census.

8,601 tonnes VGF rice allocated for Rangpur division

RANGPUR, Aug 11 (BSS) - The government has allocated 8,601 tonnes
special VGF rice for distribution among 8.601 lakh distressed and
poor families in all eight districts under Rangpur division before
the upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr.

The government has allocated the rice worth about Tk 30 crore under the special Vulnerable Group Feeding (VGF) programme through the
Ministry of Food and Disaster Management to assist the poor
people in celebrating the Eid-ul-Fitr festivity.

The allocations have already been given in favour of all 58 upazila administrations in the division to complete the distribution process of the VGF rice among the distressed families before the holy Eid-ul-Fitr festivity, senior officials said today.

"We have taken all necessary steps to complete distribution of
the special VGF rice among the distressed and poor families before the
Eid-ul-Fitr," said District Relief and Rehabilitation Officer (DRRO)
of Rangpur Mokhlesur Rahman.

The allocation also include 580 tonnes of rice including 30 tonnes
for 3,000 distressed families in each A-category pourasabha, 20 tonnes
for 2,000 families in each B-category pourasabha and 10 tonnes VGF
rice for 1,000 families in each C-category pourasabha in the division.

Under the programme, the government has allocated 1,282 tonnes of rice for distribution among 1,28,100 distressed and poor families with
10 kg each on the Eid-ul-Fitr festivity in all 83 unions under eight
upazilas of Rangpur, the DRRO added.

In addition, 30 tonnes VGF rice will be distributed among 3,000
distressed families in Rangpur pourasabha, 20 tonnes among 2,000
families in Badarganj pourasabha and 10 tonnes VGF rice among 1,000
distressed families in Haragach pourasabha.

Under the programme, 644 tonnes VGF rice will be distributed among 64,400 distressed families in Lalmonirhat, 1,118 tonnes among 1,11,800 families in Gaibandha and 1,217 tonnes among 1,21,700
families in Kurigram districts.

Besides, 876 tonnes VGF rice will be distributed among 87,600 families in Nilphamari, 1,622 tonnes among 1,62,200 in Dinajpur, 708
tonnes among 70,800 in Thakurgaon and 554 tonnes among 55,400
distressed families in Panchagarh.

In addition, special VGF rice will be distributed among the distressed FFs and distressed people of all pourasabhas in these
districts with the assistances of the local administrations, senior
officials said.

Time magazine rates Sheikh Hasina as one of top 12 female leaders

DHAKA, Aug 11 (BSS) - Internationally acclaimed Time magazine has named Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina as one of the world's 12 top female leaders it rated in a special edition.

"Sheikh Hasina, the 63-year-old leader of the left-of-center Awami League, has a history of surviving," the TIME Specials wrote referring to incidents when she escaped attempts on her life as well as political career.

It said Sheikh Hasina survived the August 15, 1975 putsch as happened to be abroad when "assassins killed 17 members of her family" including her father and Bangladesh's founder Bangabandhu
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

"She later survived a grenade attack that killed more than 20 people, dodging the bullets that sprayed her car as she fled," the magazine wrote while it also recalled her return overcoming political debacles including election defeats.

"In January 2009 (December 2008 polls), the Awami League won 230 of 299 parliamentary seats, and the consummate survivor found herself Prime Minister - again," the magazine said on the August 5, 2011 issue naming her in the seventh position in the list of

Newly elected Thai premier Yingluck Shinawatra, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Argentine President Cristina Fern ndez de Kirchner were the first three women named in the list.

The others included Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff, Australian premier Julia Gillard, Liberian president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Iceland's premier Johanna Sigurdardottir, Costa Rican president Laura Chinchilla, Finland president Tarja Halonen, Lithuanian president Dalia Grybauskaite and premier of Trininad and Tobago Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

Killers of '71, '75 and Aug 21 belong to same sting: Dipu Moni

DHAKA, Aug 11 (BSS) - Awami League joint general secretary and Foreign Minister Dr Dipu Moni today said motives of the killers of Liberation War in 1971, black night of August 15 in 1975 and August 21 grenade attack in 2004 are parallel and they belong to same chain.

"The quarter is still active to halt the country's
advancement as well as ruin our spirit of Muktijudha, secularism
and sacred constitution," she said while speaking at a discussion
meeting at Shishu Academy here.

Awami Sechhasebak League organized the discussion meeting
with its president Advocate Mollah M Abu Kawsar in the chair
marking the National Mourning Day on August 15.

Pro Vice-chancellor of the Dhaka University Professor Dr
Harun-Ur Rashid, Awami League organizing secretary AFM Bahauddin
Nasim, former president of Bangladesh Federal Union of
Journalists Monjurul Ahsan Bulbul and writer Anisul Haque Mithun
spoke as the special guests.

General secretary of the organization Pankaj Debnath
conducted the meeting.

Dipu Moni said the thousands year long dream of Bangalees
was realized through Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman on December 16, 1971 by getting a sovereign and
independent country.

The foreign minister said the 'Sonar Bangla', dreamt by
Bangabandhu, must be realized under the leadership of Sheikh

"We had the same goal in 1971, no one would be able to
refrain us from realizing that," she said adding "Sheikh Hasina's
declared vision 2021 must also be attained."

Harun said Ziaur Rahman had participated in the War of
Liberation tactically not intentionally and it has been proved
that he was involved in Bangabandhu murder.

Nasim said those who were involved in Bangabandhu murder
indirectly are still out of legal trial. "They are even now
involved themselves in conspiracy," he said.

Order issued to publish advertisement on Tarique's appearance in court in grenade attack case

DHAKA, Aug 11 (BSS)- A court here today ordered publishing an advertisement in newspapers by August 25 instructing 12 fugitives, including BNP Senior Vice-Chairman Tariqur Rahman, to appear before it in connection with August 21 grenade attack case.

Metropolitan Sessions' Judge Zohirul Haque issued the order upon a petition filed by Special Public Prosecutor Advocate Syed Rezaur Rahman. The judge also asked the authorities concerned to submit the copy of the advertisement to the court by August 25.

The court had already received the reports on warrant of arrest and confiscation of wealth of the absconding accused in the case.

A Dhaka court earlier issued warrants against 12 fugitives including former Premier Khaleda Zia's eldest son Tarique Rahman and her political secretary Harris Chowdhury in connection with the explosive case in the August 21, 2004 grenade attack incident.

The gruesome grenade attack was carried out on August 21, 2004 on a rally of Awami League killing 24 people and injuring 200 others.

The attack was carried out to eliminate the total leadership of Awami League. But, the then Opposition Leader and incumbent Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and other top AL leaders narrowly escaped the attack.

Criminal Investigation Department on July 3 charged Tarique Rahman and 29 others with the attack and submitted supplementary chargesheet to the court after conducting fresh investigation into the matter.

The court issued arrest of warrants against the 18 fugitives in the murder case on the day of submission of the supplementary chargesheet. Six of the eight senior police officials, including three former inspector generals of police shown absconding in the
supplementary chargesheet, were sent to the jail on their surrender to the court.

Of the chargesheeted accused, Tarique Rahman, BNP lawmaker Shah Mofazzal Hossain Kaikobad, owner of Hanif Enterprise Md Hanif, former DGFI official Saiful Islam Joarder, Maj Gen (retd) ATM Amin, Huji leaders Hafez Maulana Yahia, Mufti Shafiqur Rahman and Mufti Abdul Hai, and Ratul Ahmed Babu alias Bablu, younger brother of former BNP-deputy minister Abdus Salam Pintu, the then deputy commissioner (east) of Dhaka Metropolitan Police Obaidur Rahman and DC (south) Khan Sayed Hasan are still on the run.

Former State Minister for Home Lutfozzaman Babar, Jamaat Secretary General Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mojahid, Saiful Islam Duke, nephew of Khaleda Zia, former director general of Directorate General of Forces Intelligence Maj Gen (retd) Rezzakul Haider Chowdhury, former DG of National Security Intelligence Brig Gen (retd) Abdur Rahim, three police chiefs Ashraful Huda, Khoda Box Chowdhury and Shahidul Haque, former investigation officers of the cases and ex-CID officials-special superintendent of police Md Ruhul Amin, assistant superintendent of police Abdur Rashid, assistant superintendent of police Munshi Atiqur Rahman were produced before the court.

Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Abdul Majid Bhatt alias Yusuf Bhatt, convenor of Islamic Democratic Party Maulana Abdus Salam, Harkatul Jihad operatives Abdul Malek alias Golam Mohammad alias GM, Maulana Abdur Rouf alias Abu Omar alias Abu Hosaia alias Peer Saheb Baba, Maulana Shawkat Osman alias Sheikh Farid accused in the supplementary charge sheets - are also in the police custody. Another accused Ariful Islam alias Arif, former commissioner of Dhaka City Corporation, is now on

On July 11, 2008 the CID indicted 22 people, including former deputy minister of the BNP Abdus Salam Pintu and Harkatul Jihad chief Mufti Abdul Hannan in the case.

PM releases new currency notes with Bangabandhu's picture

DHAKA, Aug 11 (BSS) - Currency notes of five different denominations with picture of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman were released today.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina formally released the notes of Tk 2, Tk 5, Tk 100, Tk 500 and Tk 1000 denominations at her office here this morning, PM's Press Secretary Abul Kalam Azad told journalists.

Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith, Bangladesh Bank Governor Dr Atiur Rahman and artist Quaiyum Chowdhury also spoke on the occasion.

Advisers to the Prime Minister HT Imam, Dr Mashiur Rahman, Dr
Gawher Rizvi, Dr Alauddin Ahmed, Professor Syed Modasser Ali,
Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister M A Karim, PMO Secretary Mollah Waheeduzzaman, Finance Secretary Dr Mohammad Tariq, Press Secretary to the Prime Minister Abul Kalam Azad, Deputy Governor Ziaul Hassan Siddiqui and artist Mustafa Manwar were present, among others.

Addressing the function, the Prime Minister said her government has been working with sincerity and honesty for changing the lot of the common people through ensuring their economic emancipation. "We are striving hard so that people can enjoy the benefits of our independence" she added.

Paying rich tributes to Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, she said at a time when Bangabandhu was building the war-ravaged nation, the anti- liberation forces brutally killed him along with most of the family members on the fateful night of August 15 in 1975.

"We, the two sisters, escaped the carnage luckily," she said, adding that through the killing of Bangabandhu, the assailants not only killed the great leader but they also stopped the wheels of the country's progress and development.

Sheikh Hasina said that if Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman had remained alive, the country would have become a developed one 20 years back.

She said Bangabandhu always strived for bringing smiles on the faces of the common people. "We are also working to achieve the same goal," the Prime Minister added.

Sheikh Hasina said people are the real owner of the Republic and called upon all to work unitedly so that rural people also get the benefits of economic development.

Terming today as a historic day, she hoped that the new generation would learn about the country's rich heritage and culture through the newly- released currency notes.

She said the visually impaired people would also be able to identify the new notes due to their different sizes.

The Prime Minister thanked Bangladesh Bank and the artists and designers for their contribution to releasing the new currency notes.

Later, the finance minister presented a crest with the newly released currency notes to the Prime Minister, while Bangladesh Bank governor presented an album of the currency notes.

Bangladesh Bank sources said the new currency notes were released marking the country's 40th anniversary of independence.

Initially, the sources said, these new-design notes will be issued only from the Motijheel office. However, later these notes will be available at all offices of the bank and also at commercial banks.

Apart from the new notes, all the existing notes and coins will also remain exchangeable in the market, the sources added.

Syrian forces kill 17 in Homs: activists

DAMASCUS, Aug 11 (BSS/AFP) - Syrian security forces have shot dead 17 people in a protest hub, activists said, while Western nations ramped up calls for action after a "chilling" UN Security Council briefing.

After a defiant President Bashar al-Assad pledged early this week to pursue a relentless battle against "terrorist groups," activists said Wednesday that regime forces shot dead 17 people in the city of Homs, wounding another 20.

"Some bodies are lying in the sun and people cannot remove them because of the shooting," an activist said in a telephone interview from the central city.

An AFP correspondent on a government-sponsored tour confirmed reports of a military pullout from the flashpoint west- central city of Hama, but there were signs elsewhere of an intensifying crackdown by Assad's regime.

Rights activist Rami Abdel Rahman of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said troops were conducting a vast operation in the northwestern town of Sermin, where a woman was killed.

Explosions and heavy gunfire also echoed in the eastern oil hub of Deir Ezzor and residents were fearing a new military operation in the city where the army killed 42 people on Sunday and 17 on Tuesday, said Abdel Rahman.

Western nations, meanwhile, stepped up demands for UN measures against Assad after a top UN official told the Security Council how the Syrian leader had ignored calls for an end to bloodshed in his country.

But Security Council battlelines were drawn when Russia's UN envoy said calls for sanctions did not help end the Syria crisis in which rights groups say more than 2,000 civilians have now died.

UN Assistant Secretary-General Oscar Fernandez-Taranco briefed the 15-member Security Council behind closed doors about events in Syria in the week since the council called for an "immediate" halt to the violence.

Taranco was quoted as saying there had been no letup in the deaths of protesters -- with at least 87 people killed across the country on Tuesday alone -- while UN officials had met Syrian diplomats to try to get accurate information.

Syrian security forces cut power and communications to protest towns targeted by operations, he added. Taranco spoke of reports of summary executions and soldiers defecting because of a shoot-to-kill policy, diplomats said.

In a bid to keep Syria high on the Security Council agenda,Western nations pressed for a new report next week with briefings from the top UN human rights and humanitarian officials.

Western envoys said the Security Council would have to consider "further action" if events did not improve by the next report.

Taranco's briefing had been "depressing and chilling," Britain's deputy UN ambassador Philip Parham told reporters.

Assad was said to have admitted his security forces had made "some mistakes" in battling protests, as he met with several UN Security Council members in Damascus.

The deputy foreign ministers from the three emerging powers of Brazil, India and South Africa met Assad and Foreign Minister Walid Muallem to call for an "immediate end to all violence" in Syria, a statement said.

Assad "acknowledged that some mistakes had been made by the security forces in the initial stages of the unrest and that efforts were underway to prevent their recurrence," said the statement released by India's UN mission.

At the UN, US ambassador Susan Rice took an increasingly tough line on a day in which Washington imposed sanctions on Syria's largest commercial lender, Commercial Bank of Syria, and largest mobile phone operator, Syriatel.

Assad has met "calls for change with cruelty and contempt," she told the meeting. Thousands of innocent people had been "killed in cold blood" and "Assad has breached the most basic rules of diplomacy by sending thugs to attack diplomatic missions."

Rice said the United States and Europe were bringing "greater pressure to bear on the Syrian regime through further coordinated diplomatic and financial measures."

But Russia's UN ambassador Vitaly Churkin said US calls for sanctions were not helpful, and instead urged "restraint, reform and dialogue."

Troops backed by tanks stormed Hama on July 31, the eve of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, to fight "armed groups," killing 100 people in the single bloodiest day since the crackdown began, activists say.

The bloodshed triggered a deluge of international condemnation and prompted the Security Council, under pressure from European and US leaders, to issue a statement demanding an end to the violence.

Since then, three Arab countries, including heavyweight Saudi Arabia, have recalled their ambassadors to Damascus for consultations as more Arab voices rose to condemn Syria over its crackdown.

Steadily escalating US rhetoric against Assad, including a warning that he is now a source of regional instability, has fueled expectations that President Barack Obama's administration will soon formally call for him to go.

But Washington again stopped short of explicitly calling for Assad to leave power, but said it would help his people achieve "dignity and freedom."

The White House stuck with a rhetorical formulation toward Syria adopted last week, saying the country would be a "better place" without Assad and that he had lost legitimacy.

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